A new Veneer Cutter for the custom shop ........
At last, we now have a quick and accurate tool for cutting and seaming veneer that even the smallest shop can afford. A veneer
cutter that saves you time and money from the very first project.

THE 48" Model for Table Saw #48-M-1 |
The labor intensive part of veneering has just become a lot less intensive.
1. You can now trim and seam from one piece to a whole 16 pc bundle of standard veneer all at one time.
2. You can also cross cut the whole bundle so cleanly that it is ready to be perfectly butt matched.
3. You can cut an entire fan cut tabletop at one time - in less than 2 minutes!
4. You can miter cut the parts of any polygon all at the same time.
5. All the cuts are seamed and ready to tape.

Setting up for a crosscut |
Now shops who hesitated to use veneer can impress their customers with beautiful rows of matched veneer panels. And the
costs of using exotic veneers would be slashed by using dramatically cheaper raw veneer. Waste is reduced while at the same
time you have the flexibility to chose the right species, the best figure, with the colors that work for your project.
The Miracle Veneer Trimmer has been successfully used over the past eighteen years to produce exciting veneer projects
quickly and easily. And in each project you can see the precision that we routinely expect for a successful veneer project.
The Miracle Veneer Trimmer |

The Stationary 96" Model for Circular Saw |
These are serious heavy-duty tools that will last for decades of commercial use.
They are designed by woodworkers for woodworkers. The highest quality materials are used through out the assembly. The
panel materials are made from "High Density Overlay"; the wood elements are made from tough Elm and Hickory; and
the metal guides use special alloy bar stock for years of hard use.
Though the design and assembly are fairly complicated, the operation of the Miracle Veneer Trimmer is very simple and
fast. It makes your veneering projects move so quickly that you can almost visualize as you cut.
The newest versions include an aluminum cross cut fence and a pattern of threaded inserts inserted in the base panel
for a series of guides and fences that we are currently developing.
The Miracle Veneer Trimmer comes in two sizes
The 96" Models

The 96-St-1 Mounted to a sliding table saw |
The 96" models can trim veneer up to 96"in length in one pass. They can parallel cut leaves up to 20" wide
and can cross cut leaves 24" wide.
The portable 96" model, #96-ST-1 is intended for use with commercial sliding table saws. In seconds it transforms
the sliding table saw into a precision veneer saw. Once mounted on the saw it can be operated safely by one person for both
smaller high detail pieces as well as higher volume semi-production projects.
Click Here to see 96"Model mounted on a Sliding Table Saw
The 48" Models
The 48"Model can trim veneer up to 48"in length. It can parallel trim leaves up to 20" wide and can cross
cut leaves 20" wide.
The Table Saw Model, #48-M-1, can ride on any commercial duty 10" or larger table saw. This model though great for
smaller projects can cut whole 24 piece bundles at one time.
The Sliding Table Saw Model, #48-ST-1, mounts on a commercial sliding table table saw. It turns the sliding table saw
into a precision veneer saw.
Click Here to see The 48" Model in use on a Table Saw
The 48" Table Saw Model |

A stack of mahogany ready to cut |
96" Portable #96-ST-1
for Sliding Table Saw $1650.00
Crate and package $200.00
Total $1850.00
Heavy Duty Gas Springs $150.00
Total $2000.00
48" Portable #48-M-1
for Table Saw use $875.00
Crate and Package $125.00
48" Portable #48-ST-1
for Sliding Table Saw use $875.00
Crate and Package $125.00
Total $1000.00
Visa, Mastercard, and Checks accepted

A two way Butt Matched Medallion in Just a Few Seconds |
How to Order The Miracle Veneer Trimmer........ Click Here
The Miracle Veneer Trimmer FAQ page ................. Click Here
Within Days Dramatic Veneer Joinery Will Become Standard Procedure